too much stress young adults (18-34 years)

Do you recognize the following symptoms:

  • you wake up feeling not rested, even after a long night of sleep
  • you have no interest in anything and derive less enjoyment from activities
  • difficulty concentrating, as if your thoughts constantly wander
  • quick to anger and easily irritated
  • increased appetite, a constant feeling of hunger
  • reduced interest in sexual activities
  • less desire to socialize with people

You are definitely not alone in experiencing too much stress, too long. Research from TNO indicates an increase in too much stress symptoms among young people due to:

  • societal and work-related performance pressure, as well as social expectations. The constant need to do everything right, always being reachable, (care) responsibilities, and the combination of work and family create a lot of stress.
  • life uncertainties, including societal concerns such as climate issues, nitrogen, war, COVID-19; financial uncertainties like inflation, high mortgage payments; career and living situations.
  • the impact of social media on the self-esteem of young people, and the distraction it poses from work.

It’s entirely understandable that it can all become too much.

nature coaching: the path to recovery

The good news is that you can do something about it. Talk about it; it lightens the load. You can also do this with me through a nature coaching trajectory.

What does a nature coach trajectory look like?

  • first, we will see if there is a “connection.” Both you and I can decide not to continue with a trajectory;
  • then, we go together into a natural area (where that is, we coordinate);
  • next, let’s explore your wish. If you haven’t identified it yet, we will investigate within the trajectory
  • your wish is the starting point of the trajectory. With exercises in nature, you gain clarity on what you can do to stop the depletion and do what is good for you.


Feel free to contact me: Elza Ruygrok, registered nature coach, hsp- and stress expert: 06 – 46 39 29 67

© ProgressWithNature 2024